Saturday, November 25, 2017

Back to it

Hey Peoples! So, I have decided to get back to blogging some of my crafting. It's a "JUST FOR FUN" place that I can let go and just craft n share. I'm not gonna be really focused on anything except crafting....there may be bits of my life mixed in as well, but I will try to keep it mostly all crafting/swapping related. As of now, I don't plan to do videos....hmmm...if I learn how to do them...."decently" and feel like people would actually watch them, then I might try it out;) Or if I find that it's much easier/satisfying to just "get it out" that way...then well that's what I'll do.

So, this is me...Hi! 

I got me some stuff for my birthday. I am on a gelli binge here lately and possibly for the rest of my life. ;) So, that was the focus when choosing my presents for myself....thank-you hubs! That gelli plate is a speedball's very thin...well like a 1/4 inch, so a little stiffer then the other kinds. It was cheaper...I think, and it works very well, but I am thinking that I want a squishier one too in the 8x10. Maybe it's my subconscious way of making an excuse to just buy another gelli know like we do when we really don't want to work out or cut back on our eating....we can effertlessly come up with 100s of reasons why we should do what we want (FEEL) like doing. 

Some stuff from my sweet friend Amazon (.com). So nice of her to send me birthday gifts! She said there were even more on the way...I can't wait to get them! ;)

So, the below 3 pictures are me...this is me...and sometimes I feel embarrassed because every other person out there seems to be so neat and clean and color coded and prioritised and not scatter brained. I am just not, I love this messy desk. I do clean it and "organize" to make space for more crafting, but this is how it is when I am having a good time. I am trying to embrace my messy. I don't like germ mess, but artsy clutter is fun.

In the middle of crafting.

In the middl-middle of crafting;)

The farthest side on the right of "in the middle of crafting";)

Below is an envelope that I gelli printed. It's for a pen pal of mine. It's my reply letter to her intro letter. I took a bit getting it to her. Truth be told, I lost the first letter I wrote to her and had to write a totally new one. I still haven't found it....odd....I usually find something that I've been looking for the moment after I fix it and don't need to find it anymore. Unless it's my phone....I need those things and will spend forever looking for them....and they are usually in a place that I have already looked over. Yea, so maybe I do need to work on being more "neat"! ;)

Gelli printed and doodled envelope to a pen pal. 

This was just a quick post to get this out. I have 3 more in draft form....I don't want to post them so close to posting this one...or something...yea that seems right. Anyways, I am back to swapping and pen palling. I didn't take a break from crafting, just the swapping and pen palling part. Thanks for looking....well, have a great day peoples;)

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